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June 2018: Portrait of an Artist I — Stephen Miahky 2.0, violin

June 2018: Portrait of an Artist I — Stephen Miahky 2.0, violin

Beethoven’s creative life is divided into three neat sections, Early, Middle and Late. The Early Period is defined by his tendency to shake up convention and thwart expectations with persistent and needling harmonic escapades and emphatic rhythmic accentuations where they don’t belong. In the Middle Period, Beethoven confronts form itself, testing the limits of Classical proportion. In the Late Period, Beethoven moves into a completely uncharted territory, looking ever inward. His shadow would loom large across the 19th century and beyond.

Here in the 21st century, we have the opportunity to visit with a remarkable violinist and WWCMF Lifer, Stephen Miahky. Steve played the first-ever June Portrait of an Artist recital back in 2013. He was in his Early Period back then. Life has thrown a lot his way in the last half-decade, and he has thrown a lot back. Welcome to his Middle Period!

Kick off the 2018 June Festival at Rasa Vineyards with Portrait of an Artist, Stephen Miahky 2.0. Back in 2013, we didn’t have the capacity to program works with piano at satellite locations like Rasa, but thanks to the inspired work of the Walla Walla Piano Group, we now benefit from a magnificent Steinway Grand in all of our locations. The program will include music of Mozart, Bach, Debussy/Heifetz, Mark O’Connor, and Ysaÿe.

Artists: Stephen Miahky, violin; with Kristin Vining, piano; and Christina McGann, violin

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