your support.
The Walla Walla Chamber Music Festival relies on community support for its success.
Festival Giving Circles
The fiscal year of the Walla Walla Chamber Music Festival is September 1 to August 31. The following list reflects contributions made during the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year, plus donations made from September 1, 2024 through December 9, 2024.
In cases where a donor made more than one gift during this period, the assignment to a giving circle is based on the total of their contributions. Gifts with dedications are recognized individually and not aggregated.
The Living Composer Circle
Living Composer’s Lifespan: Still Kicking. Music is alive. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the works of our present day. New works give us the perspective to appreciate that all music was once new, surprising, and even shocking. By performing and championing the works of our musical present, we are better able to appreciate the masterpieces of the past.
Anonymous, In honor of the founder of our festival
Estate of Bryan Ford
GIFTS OF $20,000 TO $49,999
The Josef Haydn Circle
Haydn’s Lifespan: 77 years. Haydn was the most prolific composer of symphonic and chamber music during the Classical Era. He invented the String Quartet and perfected the form in his mature works. “Papa” Haydn, as he was known, lived to the ripe age of 77 and is considered to be the father of chamber music as we know it.
Anonymous, in memory of Tim Brown — gentle soul, enquiring mind, devoted to chamber music
Darcie Furlan
Susan Monahan & Mark Brucks
GIFTS OF $10,000 TO $19,999
The Clara Schumann Circle
Clara Schumann’s Lifespan: 76 years. A virtuoso pianist, patient mentor to both her husband Robert and her dear friend Johannes Brahms, Clara Schumann was also a composer of exquisite refinement, nowhere more so than in her chamber music.
Michael D Martin
Washington State Arts Commission
GIFTS OF $5,000 TO $9,999
The Johannes Brahms Circle
Brahms’ Lifespan: 63 years. Brahms was perhaps the most influential composer of symphonic and chamber music in the nineteenth century after Beethoven. The variety, breadth, and beauty of his chamber music, as well as his contributions as a teacher, make him a towering figure on the musical landscape.
Banner Bank
Blue Mountain Community Foundation
City of Walla Walla
J L Stubblefield Trust
John Jamison & Kathy Wildermuth
Albert Marshall
David Meeker
Dick & Julie Swenson
GIFTS OF $2,500 TO $4,999
The Ludwig van Beethoven Circle
Beethoven’s Lifespan: 56 years. Beethoven cast a long shadow across the nineteenth century and beyond. His late string quartets remain revolutionary works to this day. Despite his deafness, Beethoven did more to change the course of music than any other composer.
Brad Anderson & Kay Mead
Iain & Stephanida Christie
Columbia REA
Mike & Sue Gillespie
Edward Jones
Kathy Lee Haight & Michael Haight
Steven Maxood
Port of Walla Walla
GIFTS OF $1,000 TO $2,499
The Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Circle
Tchaikovsky Lifespan: 53 years. Tchaikovsky was a melodist of endless invention. Though we know him by the cannon fire of his “1812 Overture,” Tchaikovsky truly reveals himself through his music for the great indoors, his chamber music.
Beth Barbre & John Mangan
Kris & Tim Barry
Alison & Norman Bell
Anitra Breit
Elizabeth Carr, In memory of Maureen Duryee, Best of friends
Clara & Art Bald Trust
Karl Eckhardt & Pamela Mittelstadt
Cecile & Rick Ervin
Jamie Guerin & Ingrid Heintzberger-Vu
Anne Haley & Jim Shepherd
Edward & Karleen Heintzberger
Jim Johnson
Jane & Jeffrey Kreitzberg
Mary Garner Esary Trust
John Sampen & Marilyn Shrude
Margo & Tom Scribner
Judith Stein
Ron Van Yserloo
GIFTS OF $500 TO $999
The Felix Mendelssohn Circle
Mendelssohn’s Lifespan: 38 years. Mendelssohn’s contributions include rediscovering the music of Bach and pioneering new forms, such as “Songs Without Words.” Mendelssohn both protected the legacy of the past and looked to the future.
Patricia Anderson
Fred & Genie Crowe
Marilyn & Robert Franklin
Karen Hedine
Margaret Jamison
Sharon & Timothy Kaufman-Osborn
Michael & Teresa Lauver
Casey & Victoria McClellan, In memory of Charlotte Snow
Jennifer Miller
Kelly Reynolds
George-Anne Robertson
Rebekka Christie Sharma & family
Judith Shulman
Robynne Snow & Nathan Viavant, In memory of Charlotte C Snow
John Tombari
Claire Valente
Jill & Robert Zagelow
GIFTS OF $300 TO $499
The Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Circle
Mozart’s Lifespan: 35 years. His every work a pearl, every musical gesture a poem, Mozart is perfection.
Lenore Barkan & Ronald F Urban
Earl & Sandi Blackaby
Amy Blau & Tim Machonkin
Connie Blumenthal, Thank you for your hard work putting on the amazing programming!
Brasserie Four
Patricia Cleavenger
Joyce & Ted Cox
Barbara & John DeLong
Bruce & Tina Dumser
David Glenn & Laura Curtis
Kathi & Ted Lucia
John & Charlotte Martin
Casey & Victoria McClellan
Lodi & Regan McClellan, Thank you!
Stacy McPherson
Karen Miller
Joyce Muzzall
Becky & Randy Pearson
Jan Rolfe
Diane Royce, In memory of James Burse Royce
Kathleen Ruggeri
Mark & Marlene Schuck
Dale & La Dessa Smelcer
GIFTS OF $100 TO $299
The Franz Schubert Circle
Schubert’s lifespan: 31 years. A prolific composer of songs, Schubert took chamber music to lyrical heights.
Richard Alan
Diane & Robert Alexander
Ryan Barnes & Brett Dady
Joan Bateman & Mark Srull
Becky Burad
Jon & Mary Campbell
Lou Ann Casper, In memory of Timothy T Brown
Anne & Robert Counsell
Fred & Genie Crowe, In memory of Tim Brown
Nanci Crowley
Michael Davidson
Elaine Eaker
Leila El-Wakil, In recognition of T Christie & M Sampen
Meg Eubanks
Bill & Janice Eyestone
MaryJo & Robert Fontenot, In memory of Martie Schilling
Debbie & Steve Frol
Melissa Gierman & Ronald Tokar
Terri & William Gilbert, In memory of Tim Brown
Janeen Harbert
Jake Hollopeter
Andrew & Gail Jennings
Ann Johnson
Jeanine Johnston
Charleen Kaaen
Sherrie Kamara & Steve Rapp
Danny Kikuchi, In memory of Bryan Ford
Becky & Sam Kirtley
Kent Lewandowski
Mary & Michael Luce
Barbara & Bill Manierre
Albert Marshall, In memory of Bryan Ford
Renee & William McMahon
Janet & Robert Miller
Greg Nelson, In honor of Molly Reid
Jeff & Jennifer Northam
Brenda Ramirez
Jan Roberts
Leah & Tor Sandven
Margo & Tom Scribner, In memory of Tim Brown
Anne-Marie Zell Schwerin & Don Schwerin
Henry Stoll
Jenny & John Stratton
Karen Szall
Nancy Taylor
Teresa Tamura
Steve & Suzanne Towery
Gordon & Katherine Venneri, In memory of Timothy Brown
Charlotte Watership, In honor of CJ Martin
Donald & Valerie Weaver
George & Mollie Wisecarver
Kathryn Zahl
The Giovanni Battista Pergolesi Circle
Pergolesi’s Lifespan: 26 years. Though short-lived, Pergolesi was a prolific composer of operatic, sacred, and chamber music. His “Stabat Mater” has been performed annually on Good Friday in Naples, Italy, for almost 300 years.
Kathryn Amende
Emily Banks
Doug & Karen Bayne
Cynthia Boen
Chelanne Brown
Chelanne Brown, In memory of Sigrid Grinius
Emily Brown, In honor of Tim Brown
Mark Brown & Laura Riley
Cathy Carkner
Wayne Chabre & Jeanne McMenemy
Melissa Cummins
Debbie & Jay DeWitt
Carolyn Dietzman
Heidi Dobson
Brian Dohe, In memory of Bryan Ford
Jeana Garske
F Sonja Gourley
Christopher & Mardra Jay
Donna Johannessen, In memory of Tim Brown
Rhonda McNett
Nancy Mitchell, In memory of Tim Brown
Ben Morris, In honor of Davd Gawf
Stacia Peterson, In honor of my family
Danielle Garbe Reser, In honor of Jennifer Northam’s birthday
David Schober
Adam & Karen Schulz
Jonathan Travis
Marilynn & Terry Westerbeck
David & Julianna Womack
Julia Woods, In honor and memory of Tim Brown
How we acknowledge the generosity of our beloved audience:
All entries are alphabetical by last name within each circle.
Where couples share a last name, entries are alphabetical by first name.
Where couples have different last names, entries are alphabetical by last name within the entry.